Your family member will receive a tailored plan for success through our functional behavior assessment. Learn about our intervention plans, behavior analysis, and future psychological services.
Intervention Plan: Implement, Assess, & Revise
After a thorough examination, you get a support plan. It delineates the interventions, activities, and expected outcomes to be carried out by family members, support staff, and natural supports. We will train the appropriate people to implement the plan and observe, record data, and monitor implementation of therapeutic interventions and support strategies. After the plan has been in place for some time, data will be analyzed and revisions completed as needed to ensure progress toward achievement of outcomes.
Behavioral Analysis & Plan
This service also includes a functional behavioral analysis by a licensed professional. This analysis provides us with the initial information we need to develop an effective behavior intervention plan. After the initial plan is established, we collect data on their behavior and meet monthly to determine if their plan is working. If needed, we will revise the plan to better help the individual. If required, we are available to meet more frequently during the course of the month.